June 25th.  They let us back into the states.  Very smokey at the start of the day, reminded Kevin and I of our 2020 west coast trip.

Had lunch out side of Lake Placid at The Tail of the Pup BBQ.  Very good.

Onto the Cliffside Coaster at the Bobsled hill.  I tried to go full throttle down, but my left demon made me brake at a few spots.  At least Kevin did not hold me up.  He got a 2nd FREE run because the 2 in front of him made him brake.  He said once the sled actually applied the brakes due to closeness of the slower car.

On to some good roads.  Vermont speed limits are limiting.  

Once again it got into the mid 80's.

Time to relax and get tomorrows adventures loaded.


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